In 1968, Elmore Nickleberry stood among 1,300 other African-American men in Memphis who collectively asserted their right to be treated with dignity. Mr. Nickleberry hasn’t sat down yet. Each weeknight, he guides his garbage truck through the streets of downtown Memphis – a living link to a frequently forgotten chapter in American history, and one long eclipsed by the slaying of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
This Emmy Award winning documentary was filmed on location in Memphis in late 2008, “I am A Man: From Memphis, a Lesson in Life” offers a modern-day look at the legacy of Mr. Nickleberry and others like him. Their inspiring story is tied to character traits and principles just as valuable today as they were more than 40 years ago – a time in Memphis when everyday working men stood together to say; “Enough”. Purchase your DVD and curriculum below.