One Sunday night I had a very interesting dream. In my dream there was a baby that had been abandoned by his parents. I took the baby in to care for him. I tried to get my friends to help me take care of the baby, but no one could see the need for the effort except me. So, I committed to take care of the baby by myself. The dream stuck with me and I wondered about its meaning.
That week Uncle Bro was undergoing outpatient surgery and would be staying at Aunt Dorothy’s house for a few days. By this time Uncle Bro had joined my church, rededicated his life to Christ, was no longer drinking any alcohol and living a healthy life. Wendell, Uncle Bro’s boss, had offered him a full time job as the morning cook for Donnellson’s Catering. Uncle Bro would start the new position the next week after his surgery.
By Friday, Uncle Bro was feeling better and decided to work a catering job with Wendell that Sat. Sunday morning Uncle Bro called me. He wanted me to come by the house and pick up his tithes and offerings to turn in for him. He was not going to church that day, opting to stay home and rest after working hard on Sat. He was still not 100% after the surgery. He was to start working the full time position on Monday, and he wanted to be rested for that. That Sunday night I had another dream about the baby. However, in this dream the baby died. No matter what I did I was not able to save him.
That Monday morning, I received a call from Kim Donellson. Uncle Bro had not shown up for work and not called. It was going on 11:00AM and that was not like him. They thought I should go and check up on him. I immediately left my office and headed to Uncle Bro’s house. I called Aunt Dorothy on my way there. She said she would come as well. I was the first person to arrive. I had a key to the house so I knocked on the door and then let myself in. I could hear Uncle Bro’s radio playing gospel music in his bedroom. I called his name several times, but there was no answer. In the hallway there was a chair with clothes laid across it where Uncle Bro was drying them with the floor furnace in front of his bedroom door.
I opened the door and called his name. Uncle Bro was laid face up on the side of the bed. I could tell he was dead. His dog, Mojo, was in the room with him and the radio was still playing. I told Mojo to come on and we went outside. I just broke down and cried. I tried to call 911, but my phone would not work. So, I called my friend Karen who was substitute teaching that day. She contacted the police and gave them the information. A few minutes later Aunt Dorothy drove up. She said she thought Uncle Bro might be dead, and was trying to contact me to tell me not to go in the house until she got there. It was Feb. 13, the day before Uncle Bro’s birthday.
That evening Aunt Dorothy told me that she had visited Uncle Bro Sunday evening. She said they had a very nice visit. Aunt Dorothy wanted to help him decorate the house. It was coming up on a year since he moved in and when he started the new position on Monday he would be making enough money to cover all the expenses of the house. He invited her to diner on his
Birthday, which would be Tuesday, Feb. 14. He was going to take her out, on him, as a thank you for all the years of support.
It had been a few months since Frasier had passed away, so Aunt Dorothy asked Uncle Bro if he would get another roommate. He told her no. He wanted to do for someone else what I had done for him. He was going to find someone who was ready to turn their life around. He was going to allow them to stay in the extra bed room for one year and he would pay all the expenses. He wanted to make them an offer from God, to come back home.
When I spoke those words to Uncle Bro, I thought God wanted him to come back to the family of Christ. That He wanted me to help Uncle Bro so that we could start this great ministry together. I would give him the financial support while he was able to reach the unsaved or back slider for Christ. In reality, God knew that this was going to be Uncle Bro’s final year on earth and He was giving him one more chance to make it home. It was also my test in obedience. I was saying that all I had belonged to God, this experience allowed me to put my words in action. Although, I was sad to see Uncle Bro go home to Glory, I am proud that God allowed me to be used in His plans.
To me, this is what ministry is all about. Those of you who have read the story of Uncle Bro’s House, I pray that when God tell you to do something that sounds a little unreasonable that you remember this Blog and make the Life Choice.
The End…
By: Angela Green
Ambassadors of Memphis
That week Uncle Bro was undergoing outpatient surgery and would be staying at Aunt Dorothy’s house for a few days. By this time Uncle Bro had joined my church, rededicated his life to Christ, was no longer drinking any alcohol and living a healthy life. Wendell, Uncle Bro’s boss, had offered him a full time job as the morning cook for Donnellson’s Catering. Uncle Bro would start the new position the next week after his surgery.
By Friday, Uncle Bro was feeling better and decided to work a catering job with Wendell that Sat. Sunday morning Uncle Bro called me. He wanted me to come by the house and pick up his tithes and offerings to turn in for him. He was not going to church that day, opting to stay home and rest after working hard on Sat. He was still not 100% after the surgery. He was to start working the full time position on Monday, and he wanted to be rested for that. That Sunday night I had another dream about the baby. However, in this dream the baby died. No matter what I did I was not able to save him.
That Monday morning, I received a call from Kim Donellson. Uncle Bro had not shown up for work and not called. It was going on 11:00AM and that was not like him. They thought I should go and check up on him. I immediately left my office and headed to Uncle Bro’s house. I called Aunt Dorothy on my way there. She said she would come as well. I was the first person to arrive. I had a key to the house so I knocked on the door and then let myself in. I could hear Uncle Bro’s radio playing gospel music in his bedroom. I called his name several times, but there was no answer. In the hallway there was a chair with clothes laid across it where Uncle Bro was drying them with the floor furnace in front of his bedroom door.
I opened the door and called his name. Uncle Bro was laid face up on the side of the bed. I could tell he was dead. His dog, Mojo, was in the room with him and the radio was still playing. I told Mojo to come on and we went outside. I just broke down and cried. I tried to call 911, but my phone would not work. So, I called my friend Karen who was substitute teaching that day. She contacted the police and gave them the information. A few minutes later Aunt Dorothy drove up. She said she thought Uncle Bro might be dead, and was trying to contact me to tell me not to go in the house until she got there. It was Feb. 13, the day before Uncle Bro’s birthday.
That evening Aunt Dorothy told me that she had visited Uncle Bro Sunday evening. She said they had a very nice visit. Aunt Dorothy wanted to help him decorate the house. It was coming up on a year since he moved in and when he started the new position on Monday he would be making enough money to cover all the expenses of the house. He invited her to diner on his
Birthday, which would be Tuesday, Feb. 14. He was going to take her out, on him, as a thank you for all the years of support.
It had been a few months since Frasier had passed away, so Aunt Dorothy asked Uncle Bro if he would get another roommate. He told her no. He wanted to do for someone else what I had done for him. He was going to find someone who was ready to turn their life around. He was going to allow them to stay in the extra bed room for one year and he would pay all the expenses. He wanted to make them an offer from God, to come back home.
When I spoke those words to Uncle Bro, I thought God wanted him to come back to the family of Christ. That He wanted me to help Uncle Bro so that we could start this great ministry together. I would give him the financial support while he was able to reach the unsaved or back slider for Christ. In reality, God knew that this was going to be Uncle Bro’s final year on earth and He was giving him one more chance to make it home. It was also my test in obedience. I was saying that all I had belonged to God, this experience allowed me to put my words in action. Although, I was sad to see Uncle Bro go home to Glory, I am proud that God allowed me to be used in His plans.
To me, this is what ministry is all about. Those of you who have read the story of Uncle Bro’s House, I pray that when God tell you to do something that sounds a little unreasonable that you remember this Blog and make the Life Choice.
The End…
By: Angela Green
Ambassadors of Memphis